Improve your chemical / hazardous substance database by importing information from PubChem automatically!

Power-up your chemical and hazardous substance database by importing information from pubchem

Chemical management can be time-consuming. Speed up the process with Batalyse lab information and management system (LIMS) software, Mind, which automatically imports supporting information from PubChem.

When acquiring new chemicals ⚗ , incorporating information and parameters into your database can significantly enhance your work. Unfortunately, this task is often overlooked due to its time-consuming nature. ⏱

With Batalyse – Mind, you can effortlessly import various details, including CAS numbers, chemical formulas, synonyms, hazard and precautionary statements, hazard symbols, and safety data sheets from PubChem when adding new chemicals.

This feature allows you to organize your lab and work more efficiently, quickly, and safely. 🚀

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