Explore Data Insights and Battery Trends with Batalyse

Interested in our product strategy and current work topics? Here you go.
Collect Data Analysis
Supporting data for scientific publication

Journals require your raw and result data to support your publication. Use Collect to create a zip archive by one click.

Collect Data Analysis Mind
Newsletter 2024 #2 – Fuel cell/electrolysis support, lab management, instruction management

New features and improvements for Data Analysis, Collect and Mind

Instruction/training management

Digitize and accelerate the instructional documentation process for hazardous substances, equipment and labs.

Manage your inventory by QR-codes

With Batalyse Mind you can streamline your inventory management with QR-codes.

Create labels for your chemicals

Create labels for chemicals, machines and specimen automatically with Mind.

Collect Data Analysis Mind
Project “Automate” funded by the Länd

Invest BW funded project Automate is about redox flow batteries, electrolysis, fuel cells and product passports.

Get in touch

We look forward to talking to you.
