we hope that you had a great start in 2024!
Our new Data Analysis version 2024-01 is officially released: Download “Data Analysis” 2024-01.zip
–> unzip –> drag and drop the .opx installer to Origin
… and we have many updates for Collect and Mind, too.
If you have any questions or feedback we are looking forward to your mail or Teams message.
Thanks for your time and for reading!

Customize your result graphs (extended)
Select “graph control” tab and open “Graph customization”

- Customize your axis titles for voltage and capacity axes

- Axis scaling – Customize your axis scaling, now also including the x-axis.

- New comparison diagram – CC-CV graphs

- New Redox-Flow Battery specimen dialog and parameters management

- Fix support for capitalized “MPR”, “XLS/S” file extensions
- Improved volumetric capacity graphs
- Improved/updated support for many cyclers
- Multiple bug fixes and support of new file structures

- Improved file monitoring – automatically gather your test and analysis files.
- After updating Collect, files being in monitoring process don’t get lost
- Fixed a double import issue
- Improved identification of files
- Fixed an issue that files from newly added monitoring folders were not uploaded to Collect immediately
- New Redox-Flow Battery specimen dialog and parameters management

File name nomenclatures
- Option to add and to manage multiple file name nomenclatures to categorize your files automatically.
- Improved display of applied nomenclature (see which nomenclature is being applied)
- Significantly improved performance when deleting files
- Newly added support for test files including mutliple tests e.g. formation or grading for Hangke cyclers.
- Improved support for OPC-UA connections
- Improved data standardization features (available for testing) – Standardize your test data to receive a uniform file structure independent of the cyclers and test devices you are using.
- Fixed an issue that files were not displayed correctly in the “network monitor”.

- Download supporting information for your chemicals and hazardous substances automatically from “pubchem”. Search for a chemical name or CAS nr. and have information like hazard/precautionary statements, chemical formula, synonyms, hazard symbols and more filled in automatically in Mind: https://batalyse.com/videos/Batalyse-Mind-PubChem.webm

- Improved automated reports: Receive a power point based on your individual template. Create reports by one click: https://batalyse.com/videos/Mind-Report-OneClick.webm
- New “reactivate” user option: Reactivate users that were previously deactivated by a Mind-admin
- Improved support for OPC-UA connections
Best regards,
Your Batalyse team